Cheesemonger Resources

View, download, or print any of these materials. Use them for training or give them to customers. 

Cheese Book

Our latest catalog of cheeses makes a good training introduction for mongers. Download a PDF copy. Email us and we'll mail you some proper staple-bound copies.


Essex Feta Brine Recipe

Make brine the way the feta makers do on Lesbos. Easy enough to make at home. Download this 5 x 7 inch postcard and pin it up at your cheese counter. Feel free to give copies away to customers.

Comté Flavor Wheel

The vocabulary of Comté's flavors. When you just don't know the right word to describe what you're tasting, here are several dozen of them.


Cravero Shelf Talker

Details that set Cravero Parmigiano Reggiano from San Pietro in the Appenine mountains apart from other parmigiano reggianos. 6 x 8 inch PDF to download and print for training and reference.


Feta Voras Shelf Talker

Details that set Feta Voras apart from other Greek fetas. 6 x 8 inch PDF to download and print for training and reference.

Wine Pairings

Teaching a class and want help with the research? Looking to cross sell with your wine department? We worked with a sommelier to develop ideal wine pairings tips for all of our cheeses. 8.5 x 11 inch PDF to download and print for training and reference.


Tea Pairings

Looking for new pairing inspiration? Looking to teach a non-alcoholic pairings class? Betty Koster is a tea expert who has developed principles for pairing tea with cheese. 8.5 x 11 inch image for training and reference.

Traceability Log

A handy template for any shop to use for organizing the process of receiving cheeses from your various vendors.

How to Cut Comté

Handy “how-to” card for breaking down whole wheels into retail cuts. Great for new and experienced mongers. Download this 5 x7 inch card.

How to Cut Gouda

Handy “how-to” card for breaking down whole wheels into retail cuts. Great for new and experienced mongers. Download this 5 x7 inch card.